Viscusi will serve as SEA’s president-elect for the next year. His one-year term as the organization’s president will start in November 2019. When his term as president concludes in November 2020, he will continue to serve on SEA’s board through November 2022.
The SEA is one of the oldest regional economics associations in the United States. From its founding in 1928, the SEA’s purpose has been to further the education of scholars and the public in economic affairs, seeking to stimulate interest in and disseminate results of recent research in theory and applied economics. The organization has published the Southern Economic Journal since 1933; it is the eighth oldest American scholarly journal in economics. SEA holds an annual conference for its members, who include a diverse set of scholars, with a great range in their substantive interests and in their methods of inquiry, at which scholars representing all fields of economic research and economists around the world are invited to present their work. As president-elect, Viscusi will be responsible for organizing the 2019 SEA conference.